maandag 17 september 2012

Vintage photo manipulation tutorial

Click the image to see large verion
In this tutorial im gona show you how to make a nice looking vintage foto, in just a couple of easy steps.  For the vintage look i used a custom shape for the border wich can be found on my deviantart page they are called Texture brush pack (big brushes) [download here]. The Border custom stape can also be found on my deviantart page its called
vintage border customshape.[download here]
Step 1
Start by opening your photo to turn in to a vintage one.

Step 2
Now make a new curves layer and adjust it, make the darker colors darker the bright ones brighter.
Step 3
Make a new layer fill it with a yellow tone, i used :#faec04. set that layer to multiply on 80% opacity.
Now make a new layer and fill it with a dark blue, i used : #0409d4 set that layer to screen also on 80% opacity.
You might need to play around with the opacity depending on what you like and your photo but always keep them the
same, if one is on 50% put the other on 50%. I prefer both on 80%.
Step 4
Now to make some vintage corners, make a new layer, take out a big default softbrush and brush the corners. Then go
to filter/blur/gaussian blur and use a radius around 70. after that you can adjust the layer opacity to your likings and use a eraser with a softbrush to remove parts you dont like so that it isnt getting to dark. Mine is set to 80% opacity.
Step 5
Now nake a new layer and go to image/apply image and gaussian blur it on a distance from 0.5 to 1 no more. Then you have a blured layer, take out the eraser with a soft round brush and erase the center part, not to close to the edge, just to maintain focus on the center of the picture.
Step 6
Now make a new layer, take out a grunge brush ore the texture brush you can download from my deviantart. and brush on a new layer in white. adjust the layer to a blending style that you think looks good, and lower the opacity, mine is on 65%. set to overlay.
Step 7
Now you can make a square border but im gona make a rounded shape, so make a new layer and take out the customshape tool. If you downloaded the border from my deviantart load it into photoshop, and use it to draw a border in a white tone, not completly white. i used #fffef2
Step 8
Make new layer, above the border and right click the layer, the select create clipping mask. Now take out the grunge/texture brush and brush a little on the layer in a light gey tone, so that the border starts looking dirty, you might wanna change the opacity i lowerd mine to about 65%.
and then your photo is done, below is the outcome.
Turtorial writen by Johan Schats 2012

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